With over 14,000 industry representatives, 224 exhibitors and 8 specialist forums, the Belektro trade fair offers the perfect platform to provide inspiration for innovative energy technologies and engage in valuable discussions. The focus of this year's Belektro is on intelligent building technology and the motto " Network together to develop the best energy solutions for the region". For the 40th anniversary of the trade fair, the topics of heating, air conditioning and sanitation will also be covered.
"The supporting program ranges from A for occupational safety and architect program to E for e-house and electromobility and S for smart home to W for workshop street."
On November 6, at 2 p.m., ROCKETHOME CEO Yüskel Sirmasac will give a presentation on the topic of smart homes and AI in the real estate industry at the SmartHome Germany Forum.
You will find the Forum in Hall 2.2 I Stand 318. We look forward to seeing you there!
You can find more information about the program here.