3 questions for: Yüksel - about dynamic tariffs and the new energy world

In an interview with energate, Yüksel Sirmasac spoke about the appeal of such dynamic offers and the sales potential of such products.

Cologne (energate) - From next year, energy suppliers will be obliged to offer dynamic electricity tariffs. The development of such products is currently in full swing in many companies. energate spoke to Yüksel Sirmasac, Managing Director of ROCKETHOME, a solution provider for digital and climate-friendly real estate, about the appeal of such dynamic offers and the sales potential of such products.  

energate: Mr. Sirmasac, offering dynamic tariffs will be mandatory for all suppliers from 2025. Why do you think it is advisable for established energy suppliers to actively address this issue, regardless of the obligation?

Sirmasac: Because it is the entry into the energy world of tomorrow: municipal utilities are currently under attack from young and financially strong scale-ups such as Tibber, 1Komma5 and Enpal in the non-commodity business, but also in the commodity business, for example with dynamic tariffs. Municipal utilities must therefore modernize their range of services in order to counter these companies and the new customer needs they have created. The old world of commodity tariffs is merging with new home energy offerings. The combination of PV, mobility and heat pumps with innovative tariffs and energy-saving products creates new incentives for end customers.

For example, flexible tariffs in conjunction with easily controllable consumers such as charging infrastructure or heat pumps offer many potential savings that can amount to several hundred euros compared to non-networked systems. This cannot be ignored by municipal utilities in their offers. However, digital value-added services should also be offered to residential users so that this important target group can also actively participate in the energy transition. Entering this new energy world via dynamic tariffs is ideal for developing unique selling points in the region.

energate: What opportunities do you see for expanding the range of dynamic tariffs in terms of sales to include attractive value-added offers?

Sirmasac: We have a crystal-clear opinion on this: as a first step, we recommend placing a contemporary home energy product on the commodity market. The combination of (dynamic) tariffs with so-called "energy add-ons" is conceivable. Care should be taken to ensure that no professional installation is required in this area (do-it-yourself approach). Examples of such energy add-ons are intelligent thermostats, electricity meters, balcony power plants or smart home sensors that help to save energy.

As a further step, a HEMS (Home Energy Management Systems) should be included in the program as an installation product specifically for single-family homes. By marketing these energy services, such as charging infrastructure, photovoltaics and heat pumps, in conjunction with dynamic tariffs, significant savings potential and substantial added value for customers can be created. Smart metering systems and the municipal utilities' metering systems also have an important role to play here.

energate: The intense competition requires quick action, while at the same time the regulatory environment is challenging. How can municipal utilities enter this business segment?

Sirmasac: It is important that energy supply companies strategically decide on this path and consider what their specific strengths and capabilities are in this new business area. Based on this analysis, they should consider which gaps need to be closed and which partners are still needed for this strategy. There are now many providers on the market who can provide tailor-made solutions and the necessary expertise. We firmly believe that the current situation represents an opportunity and, if tackled courageously, will lead to sustainable corporate development.

Rouben Bathke asked the questions.

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