HEMS update: New module for controlling the heat pump

We have news from product development: we now have a heat pump controller as a new module for home energy management.

The heat pump is a central component for smart energy management in modern buildings. This made it all the more important for ROCKETHOME to integrate it as part of the Home Energy Management System (HEMS). We published the first details about this at the beginning of the year(you can find the article here). Now there is exciting news from product development: heat pumps are now Smart Grid ready! The ROCKETHOME HEMS hub can be used to control heat pumps in single-family homes, apartment buildings or commercial properties based on incentives - for greater efficiency, lower energy costs and smart heat pump control.

Why is the SG-Ready interface so important?

Thanks to the standardized SG-Ready interface, different types of heat pumps (e.g. inverter heat pumps, air-water or water-water systems) can now be linked directly to the ROCKETHOME HEMS. Specifically, the four operating states of a heat pump can be controlled and flexibly adjusted - a crucial function for a heat pump optimizer and a genuine heat pump control system.

  • Operating status 1-4: Depending on factors such as heat demand, surpluses from the photovoltaic system (PV system) or dynamic tariffs, the system can switch to increased operation as soon as sufficient solar power is available. This means that cooling or heating can be specifically shifted to cost-effective and climate-friendly time windows.
  • Intelligent automations: The integration also enables a connection with other smart home system components such as wallboxes, smart thermostats or boilers. The HEMS hub automatically monitors and regulates the performance of the system.

What advantages does the new control system for heat pumps offer?

  • Manufacturer-independent integration: The SG-Ready interface makes it easy to connect heat pumps from leading suppliers - regardless of whether they are air-to-water, water-to-water or other inverter variants.
  • Heat pump" energy module: The new module enables all four operating states of a heat pump to be addressed and changed. For example, it can automatically switch to the operating mode for more intensive heat generation if there is a surplus from the photovoltaic system.
  • HEMS Hub: The HEMS Hub connects the heat pump with other smart components such as PV storage, wallboxes, smart heating or heat pump managers. This creates a central platform for monitoring, operating and automating all relevant energy flows in the home.
  • Incentive-based control: With schedules, dynamic tariffs, weather information and availability of renewable energy, the heat pump control can be controlled automatically - perfect for efficient operation and climate protection.
  • Simple installation and software: On the hardware side, only the HEMS hub, the "heat pump" energy module and internet access are required. On the software side, a Home Energy app and cloud connection are required. If desired, additional components such as thermostats, heating curve settings or boiler combinations can be added.
  • Maintenance and support: A support and maintenance contract with ROCKETHOME ensures that your system is always up to date and that all functions can be used optimally.

Are you interested in a HEMS solution? Would you like to enter this market? As an independent service provider, we can help you develop new target groups and business models.

One system for all - from single-family homes to commercial buildings

Whether homeowners, operators of apartment buildings or those responsible for commercial properties: ROCKETHOME HEMS supports a wide range of heating and cooling concepts. Heat pump optimizers and heat pump managers can also be integrated into the system. This means you benefit from a powerful, scalable control system for heat pumps in any size of installation and achieve considerable cost savings thanks to the smart automation.

What difference does that make?

Heat pumps can now be controlled via the standardized SG-Ready interface of the systems. Specifically, the four operating states of a heat pump can be addressed and changed by the ROCKETHOME HEMS Hub and the "Heat pump" energy module. So if there is a surplus of energy from a photovoltaic system, the heat pump can automatically switch to operating state three - the state in which the system switches to increased operation. Heat generation can thus be shifted to cost-effective or climate-friendly times. Energy can thus be used much more efficiently. Heat pumps can also be integrated into intelligent HEMS automation systems with charging infrastructure, PV/storage and other energy systems such as dynamic tariffs.

Shaping the new energy world together

Are you interested in a HEMS solution or would you like to enter this market with us? As an independent service provider, ROCKETHOME supports you in developing new target groups and business models.

Let's shape the new energy world of tomorrow together!

‍Ourexperts at ROCKETHOME are at your side for your HEMS project. Contact us and benefit from a future-proof solution for controlling your heat pump.

Make an appointment with us now.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions.

What is HEMS?

A Home Energy Management System (HEMS) bundles and optimizes all relevant energy and heating components in your home. Among other things, it networks heat pumps, PV systems and smart home devices to make better use of surpluses, reduce energy costs and increase comfort.

How is a heat pump controlled?

The heat pump is controlled via a so-called heat pump control system, which is integrated into the HEMS. Depending on demand and the availability of renewable energy (e.g. solar power), the system automatically switches to the appropriate operating mode. Apps or smartphone interfaces can also be used to create schedules and make temperature settings.

Is it best to leave the heat pump on all day?

A heat pump often works most efficiently when it runs continuously and is not constantly switched on or off. Whether it makes sense to leave it running permanently depends on the heating system in question, the heat requirement calculation and the building standard. A HEMS can use automation and schedules to ensure that the system only starts up when it is really necessary for the comfort temperature range or cooling.

How does the heat pump regulate the room temperature?

The room temperature is controlled in the heat pump by a built-in controller (e.g. heating curve). The system recognizes the current heat requirement and adjusts the output and flow temperature accordingly. Operating modes can also be flexibly set via the HEMS connection in order to achieve the desired temperature or cost targets using the smart home system or app.

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