"Climate Tech" & "CO2 Reduction" as New Business Areas

"Climate Tech" & "CO2 Reduction" are new business areas of sector coupling in real estate of ROCKETHOME.Die Klimagerechte Energiewende als Lösung.

The building sector is primarily responsible for the failure to meet CO2 emission targets in Germany. According to the requirements of the Federal Climate Protection Act (KSG), these are to be completely reduced in the real estate sector by 2045 and a reduction of 55% compared to 1990 has already been set by 2030 (BMWK).

Decarbonization, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions through the use of low-carbon energy sources in the building stock, is aimed at the operation of residential and commercial properties, which currently accounts for 65% of emissions. In Germany, the operation of the entire real estate stock accounts for around 34% of final energy consumption (ZIA; BMWi). Heating in winter, air conditioning and ventilation in summer and electricity consumption for household appliances are the drivers of CO2 emissions.

The emissions targets can only be achieved through an even more ambitious and consistent implementation of the energy transformation. From an economic perspective, this requires not only investment and skilled workers, but above all forward-looking energy concepts and suitable business models.

The solution: Climate-friendly energy transition as a business model

ROCKETHOME has set itself the goal of sustainably reducing the emissions caused in buildings through the use of IoT technologies.

Methodically, we rely on the following energy measures in modernization or new construction:

  1. Use of efficient system technology based on renewable energies: Energy generation (electricity/PV, heat), storage (charging infrastructure, batteries, hydrogen storage in the future) and energy consumption.
  2. Sector coupling via IoT platform: Intelligent energy management via the networking of system technology.
  3. Neighborhood platform as an eco-system: Incentive-based interaction platform with the residents and users of the properties.
  4. New business models with ClimateTech.

These 4 measures reduce CO2 consumption in all stages of the building's operating phase.

Measure 1: Efficient system technology for the climate

The use of photovoltaics on roofs can make the energy supply of properties and neighborhoods significantly more sustainable and avoid the generation of cost-intensive emissions. The provision of tenant electricity, i.e. the marketing of local photovoltaic electricity (PV electricity) to tenants, not only makes an effective contribution to climate protection, but also offers potential for new revenue streams. A residual electricity tariff from renewable sources serves as a supplement to energy procurement. New PV models with the aim of increasing the building's degree of self-sufficiency are forward-looking concepts.

Coupled with the provision of charging infrastructure for electric cars, mobility in a neighborhood becomes emission-free thanks to the use of renewable energy. Here, too, the marketing of the charging infrastructure is based on a new business model for the real estate industry and the avoidance of emissions will help to reduce operating costs. The marketing of greenhouse gas reduction quotas (GHG quotas) for electric cars makes the new technology more affordable for users and climate targets are more likely to be achieved in the district.

New technologies in heat supply, which accounts for around 70% of total energy consumption in buildings, bring significant benefits: The use of heat pumps powered by PV electricity, for example, or district heating - ideally from renewable energies - leads to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in properties and neighborhoods.

As an integrated energy service provider, ROCKETHOME Climate Solutions GmbH (RCS), which is part of the Group, can supply all the components (hardware, software & services) required to equip the properties and achieve the CO2 targets. For this purpose, partnerships have been concluded with well-known and high-performance companies. The system technology can also be provided by the real estate companies themselves via their existing service providers. RCS coordinates all trades for a smooth implementation of the technical building equipment (TGA planning).

Measure 2: Networking in the neighborhood (sector coupling)

The integration of system technology into a holistic energy ecosystem is an essential prerequisite for optimizing energy flows. For this purpose, all systems are digitized and connected to the ROCKETHOME Climate IoT platform via interfaces (APIs) (sector coupling). With the corresponding district platform, the ecosystem is managed centrally via the cloud. This enables new energy concepts that optimize (1) decentralized energy generation, (2) storage and (3) consumption. In particular, networking reduces the amount of energy drawn from the grid and thus increases the self-consumption rate in the buildings (degree of self-sufficiency in the building). More about the technology platform and the possibilities

Measure 3: Incentive-based interaction platform with users

ROCKETHOME brings the necessary digital infrastructure to the neighborhoods, enabling residents to behave in an energy-efficient manner. The networking and control system ensures that users actually know their personal CO2 footprint and can use this knowledge to reduce energy costs. This is primarily achieved by enabling residents to adapt their behavior to the current energy situation in real time based on greater energy transparency(incentive-based interaction). Devices such as the wallboxes, but also household appliances, are then switched on more consciously and automated.

Measure 4: New business models with climate technology

These digital worlds of experience enable new business models based on "climate tech". Over the next few years, many innovations will emerge here that will bring opportunities for all market participants (e.g. load and time-variable tariffs; real community models in neighborhoods or new value-added services).

It should not be forgotten that landlords and property owners will share in the costs of CO2 emissions. It is to be expected that CO2 prices will continue to rise significantly in the coming years. Investments in the climate-friendly refurbishment of existing buildings or an intelligent energy concept in new builds will therefore become an important success factor.

From a building management perspective, the performance of all properties is determined in real time via the Digital Property Manager. Creating transparency increases awareness and provides concrete starting points for taking energy-saving measures. The property manager gives the property owner or asset manager the opportunity to encourage residents to adapt their behavior and thus reduce their energy consumption. The individual or neighborhood-related footprint can be communicated using climate dashboards in the buildings or via the neighborhood app. The cycle from transparency and communication to awareness and adaptation of behavior is an essential key to achieving the climate targets. All in all, the ESG targets are underpinned by real measures, values and analytics.

Are you interested? We offer the necessary advice and conception for your individual project. Get in touch with us.

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