Customer story about smart heat from enercity. In this blog article, you can find out how enercity creates smart heat with its thermostats.
With the new product line Smart Heat the energy service provider enercity now offers its customers an extension to the warm@home product portfolio, the service offering for sustainable heating solutions.
Reduce energy and heating costs while comfortably reducing CO2 emissions - the optimum room temperature is also guaranteed. Not only owners but also tenants benefit from this retrofit solution for their own home.
The product
Based on ROCKETHOME 's technology platform, the 2022 solution was designed, developed and launched together with the partner.
enercity customers now have the option of controlling their heating intelligently via a smart home app for optimum heat distribution. Energy savings of up to 30 percent are possible, with a simultaneous reduction in CO2 emissions and increased comfort.
Upon request, specialists from enercity can check the efficiency of the heating systems on site and optimize them manually (so-called hydraulic balancing). The product is one of the measures promoted as part of the climate protection initiative of enercity and the City of Hanover with the aim of bringing more energy efficiency and cost savings to citizens through intelligent technologies. Customers who have booked a gas tariff at the same time receive further price and service benefits.
Homeowners are offered further options in the warm@home product portfolio that enable them to save heating energy sustainably. However, smart heat is also suitable for tenants who want to sustainably reduce energy costs independently of their landlord by means of a small upfront financing. A positive return on investment is made possible after just a short payback period.
Protect the climate and save energy - your feel-good heat easily and comfortably
The product consists of a central unit as a base, a multisensor for detecting temperature, motion and brightness, and three smart radiator thermostats. The SmartHome system can be operated by users via a web portal or app.

App Features:
- Control the smart heating from anywhere
- Individual definition of heating periods (e.g. day/night, weekdays/weekends, vacations, etc.)
- Possibility of integrating other smart features such as lighting control, access/ smart locks, blinds control, alarm sensors, etc.
- Expansion to include energy-related functions such as the integration of charging boxes, solar systems or electricity meters for the identification of excess consumption
The most important functions:
- Energy savings of up to 30 percent per month
- More living comfort through automated heat control
- Manual heating system optimization on site/ hydraulic balancing
- Retrofit solution for owners, but also tenants
- Active climate protection through lower CO2 emissions
- Extensive service from enercity AG (e.g. installation assistance, remote support, preconfigured systems, etc.)
- Funded measure within the framework of climate protection initiatives
The partner:
Hanover-based enercity AG is a provider of sustainable and intelligent energy solutions and has held a stake in ROCKETHOME GmbH since 2021. With sales of €5.0 billion and EBIT of €211 million (both figures: 2021), the Group is one of the largest municipal energy service providers in Germany. The company supplies around one million people with electricity, heat, natural gas and drinking water. In addition, enercity offers energy-related services around electromobility, energy efficiency, decentralized customer solutions, telecommunications and smart infrastructure. enercity's motivation is to improve the quality of life of its customers. Further information at