Study: Networked buildings and devices - for climate protection

A new study shows that connected buildings and appliances are half the battle when it comes to climate protection. Find out more in this blog post.

It is already well known that digital technologies have huge potential for climate protection. A recent study by the digital association bitkom expresses this potential in concrete figures. The targeted and accelerated use of digital solutions can reduce CO2 emissions in Germany by almost half within ten years.

Digitalization as a great opportunity to combat climate change

The study examined a total of seven sectors in which digital technologies are used and in which a major reduction in CO2 emissions can be achieved. These are the areas of industrial production, mobility, energy, buildings, work & business, agriculture and health. The emissions generated by the digital technologies themselves, for example during production, were also included in the study.
It was concluded that the savings potential of the technologies considered is more than six times higher than their own consumption.

Potential of digital solutions in figures

In 2019, the German economy emitted 805 megatons of CO2. According to the climate targets, this figure should only be 543 megatons in 2030, i.e. 262 fewer than two years ago. If the progress of digitalization continues at its current moderate pace, around 102 megatonnes of CO2 could be reduced, which corresponds to around ⅓ of the necessary savings. With targeted and accelerated digitalization, the reduction is a full 151 megatonnes and therefore 58 percent of the climate targets set.

Great savings potential in the "Buildings" and "Work & Business" sectors

The radiators are automatically turned down as soon as a window is opened or the residents leave the house. Paying attention to your own ecological footprint can be difficult, but smart home solutions are already helping many people to reduce their CO2 consumption within their own four walls. Even in office complexes, heating and ventilation are controlled automatically. Smart homes and smart buildings can save up to 16 megatons of CO2 by 2030, even with a moderate spread. Increased home office options and replacing business travel with video conferencing can also make a major contribution to achieving the agreed climate targets.

This is exactly where ROCKETHOME comes in, helping to make the present and future of living and working smarter and more sustainable with holistic IoT solutions. Whether it's networking devices, automated building and energy management or systems for more security in the property. We will be happy to advise you and show you the many possibilities that our solutions can offer. Simply contact our experts and arrange a non-binding consultation appointment.

Source: The study "Climate effects of digitalization" was conducted by environmental and digitalization experts from Accenture. Further results and detailed information on the study can be found here.

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